
Whales Can Climb Too!

I feel like a whale these days. Really, I'm not that big, I remind myself, but I get a little shock when I see pics of myself. The good news is that I can still climb decently, despite my protruding belly.

[9 mo prego]

I went out with a few friends the other day to our super secret crag, with views of Mt. Rainier, wildflowers, and the rock all to ourselves. We had a great time, climbing several easy routes and also one 10b. I didn't even hang on the 10b but it gave me a workout for sure.


Dad said...

You might want to think about slowing down for the next couple of weeks. You're beginning to worry us.

Kern said...

I'll go to crags closer to the hospital from now on...that's 'slowing it down' right? :)