
The Arrival

In the attempt to be conservative and stay close to home with baby on the way, Brandon and I decided to hike Snow Lake on a sunny day last week. It was a beautiful day and it's always a pretty destination to enjoy a picnic lunch. I wasn't sure how 7 miles of a moderate hike would feel at 9+ months pregnant, but it felt just fine.

Heather next to cascade pool

Heather & Baby with Chair Peak in Background

So, two days later, another sunny day and so we thought another hike sounded like a good plan. We decided to go to Rachel Lake, 8.5 miles long, moderate in difficulty. As we hiked along the trail, people  kept commenting that they couldn't believe I was still hiking, shouldn't we be staying closer to home?, etc. Although we had felt okay about this choice before we set off, we both began to feel uneasy, realizing that starting labor at the furthest point out would be a bad thing. We ate a quick snack at the lake and then high-tailed it out of there, both of us feeling a bit foolish and irresponsible.

Heather & Baby at Rachel Lake

Back at the truck, we decided no more hiking long distances from here on out. Phew. We ate dinner and relaxed that night. Then, at 3am...

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