
Montana Family Visit

We always enjoy a visit with Grandma & Grandpa in the Bitteroot Valley in Montana. We had a great time catching up with them, eating well, and laughing a lot.

Grandpa laughed so hard at one of his own jokes that I became concerned he wouldn't be able to catch his breath! Grandma, sitting at the other end of the table, just shook her head and said, "I don't think he's funny anymore."

B building up the irrigation ditch.

Grandpa & Brandon walking back from the irrigation ditch.

This little fawn has been hanging out on their land 
without mama for a month...
probably an orphan. :(

While in Missoula running errands, 
we took a 10-mile ride with a nice downhill.

After taking this shot, while Brandon was still in my view,
I noticed a large bear on the side of the trail.

I actually said out-loud, "Oh, a bear!"
Then I started calling out to Brandon...
and pedaling fast!

Out for a walk: 
Grandma, Renee & Shiloh the dog, Grandpa, & Brandon

B & Gpa on our evening walk.

B & Grandma feeding the neighbor horses.

After our time in Montana, we headed to Coeur d'Alene to see my family...read on.

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