
CD'A Family Reunion-ish

Somehow, we all managed to get together in the middle of summer in one place at one time...amazing!

We camped out, ate a ton, got caught up on each other's lives, and shot skeet. Yes, this is what Idaho redneck families do for a good time. And yes, it was a good time! :)

B & dad chatting while swinging on the chairlift.

The newest furry members of the family: 
Harley (aka 'Motor Mouth') & Fiona

Heather shooting skeet (actually, shooting 'air').

Brandon giving it a try...his first time shooting skeet.

Jane on the gun, Judy in the background...
these twins are sureshots!

Carly on the gun, Heather on the thrower, Dad monitoring.

Wade, checking out his last shot.

Amanda...can you see her eyes?! 
I wouldn't mess with this little one.

Jon trying out the AR.

Carly & Erin on the guns.
The family, including the furry ones...

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