
City of Rocks, Idaho

It's official...Brandon and I are 'gumbies'. We had a great time at The City, but certainly are not as ambitious and daring as we once were. For those of you who already know this secret, it's a lot more fun to sleep-in, climb a few routes leisurely, eat long lunches, and take afternoon siestas. After years of intense climbing trips, this was a nice, relaxing time, with some awesome, classic climbing.

If you make a trip to The City, remind yourself that these routes are 'old school', with the sandbagged ratings, some freaky runouts, and sketchy walkoffs. We certainly enjoyed ourselves in the 5.7-5.9 range on all the classic routes.

H coming down from Rye Crisp...a cool view

Brandon leading Adolescent Homo Sapiens, 5.7

We only got this one pic on the coolest route we did...Skyline, 5.8

Skyline follows the left skyline of Morning Glory Spire, located in the center of this pic. A very cool line.

Scenic sun-rise

Brandon leading Wheat Thin, 5.7

Wheat Thin is the chalked S-line crack several feet to the right of the tree.
Oh, I HATED this climb, but Brandon loved it...Fred Rasmussen, 5.8

This is me, cursing my way up Fred Rasmussen, named after a pioneer that wrote his name in axle grease on the rock. Man, I hate that Fred!

Brandon leading his way up Rye Crisp, 5.8

...like the crooked helmet!

Brandon heading up Carol's Crack, 5.8...good fun!

Window Arch


A beautiful sunset...

Um yeah, a nap between climbs, in the shade of our cave

B hiking up to the base of Intruding Dike, 5.7

Just a cool view...

B checking out Intruding Dike.

P.S. I think you should get credit for the walk-offs at The City...they're a bit freaky!


Anonymous said...

gumbies or not, it looks like it was a great trip. I've always wanted to go to the City. The granite looks so clean. I especially like the picture of that slacker just lounging in the chair instead of out on the rock. Now that looks like my style of climbing trip!

Anonymous said...

This one time I ate an apple WITHOUT washing it.


Danger is my middle name.

Seriously in all fairness you guys take some sweet pics of your adventures, I never seem to remember to do that.

BO Stinks said...

No wonder you guys were a few days late getting to our place. Looks like you were having way to much fun. That walk off looks more then just freaky. It wouldn't be a problem for me 'cause I'm bigger around then you but it looks like if you slipped you'd drop down and get stuck for sure.

Love Ya guys....