
Baby Got Barack

I've avoided major political topics on this blog so far...but I just cannot leave this one be. In July, I was wandering the Fremont Sunday market with friends, and we came upon a stall with promotional Obama clothing. These shirts had cool slogans and an inspirational pic of Obama on them. You could even buy a onesie for your baby!!! That way, your whole family could show their support for Obama!!! (I hope you are catching the sarcasm).

Anyway, in seeing this, I had a case of non-filtration, meaning that I spoke loudly exactly what I was thinking without any forethought. I don't even know what my words were, but it was something like, "That is the weirdest thing I've ever seen. Why would anyone want to wear a tee-shirt like that?!"

All eyes turned to me and I realized -duh- that nearly all of the Fremont Sunday market crowd would love to wear one of these. Now I want to make sure to be clear on my point. I am not a fan of Obama and will not vote for him...but this is not my point. What I am truly concerned about is that people think it's okay -and even 'cool'- to wear clothing with politicians and nifty slogans. I have never been that inspired by any politician.

[Here are some example slogans:
"Obama is my homeboy"
"Baby Got Barack"
"Barack the vote!"
"Obama Mama" (written on your butt)
"Obama, Fo Sho" (yes, 'fo' real!)]

When did our country begin to idolize our politicans? Politicians -no matter how great any one of them might be- are STILL politicians...we need to question them, doubt their words, and pay close attention to how they are proposing to run our country. We should not be idolizing them, wearing their picture proudly on our tee-shirts. And we certainly should not subject our babies to this idiocy...poor babies!

Are people paying attention to the issues, our current reality, etc.? Or are they paying more attention to -and allowing their vote to be influenced by- the catchy slogans, retro pictures of a hopeful Obama, and advanced marketing & commercialism?!

Check out these websites to better understand my concern:


Anonymous said...

What? Something wrong with a cult of personality?

Anonymous said...

Great thoughts...it kinda reminds me of something that Paul addressed in his letter to the church at Corinth...they had begun to "Hero Worship" If that had slick marketing teams then perhaps there would have been some killer chariot stickers!

"Paul Is Da Bomb!
"Apollos for Emperor"

They had lost sight that men are men...even the best of us mortals will blow it, drop the ball, say something we shouldn't, and struggle with the ego.

I think there are a couple other factors with the Obama paraphernalia or McCain stuff... first, someone saw an opportunity to make a quick buck while the getting was good, entrepreneurialism at its best...and second, people want to be a part of something bigger than their world, something that matters.

Unfortunately too many hitch their wagon to a person or movement without really looking under the hood.

Concerning the scrutiny of politicians...I am with you...I wonder what the political scene would be like if the positions of government cost those who were in the positions instead of bankrolling them for life.

What if the pay was substantially less, and those who served were actually encouraged to serve because of their giftedness, proven integrity and knowledge, not just their campaign marketing.

What if they only served a term or two and were then required to return to their home state, having done their best to move the country forward, rather thn simply moving their career forward...

hhmmm...but alas, we love our drama's don't we :-)

Great thoughts you guys.
