
Hidden Gem

You already know part of our story, that we moved from a standard American home into a 30-ft Airstream back in April. And you know that we started out in an RV park in North Bend, with very little outdoor space and nowhere to walk/run/explore with our little guy. It was a place to park but definitely not a place we envisioned staying for any length of time.

In telling folks of our great adventure, a coworker mentioned a nonprofit camp in the woods in our area as a potential spot to park our home. They didn't have availability until September, but now we are finally in our 'homebase' parking area.

We have between 10-20 elk in our yard every evening.

While eating breakfast one morning, e watched a coyote under a tree less than 20 feet from our door. This morning, again during breakfast, we watched a black bear sit under an apple tree and then lumber/run across the field (sorry, no pic).

K has 52 acres to run around in. Here, he was playing "Tootle", a train that likes to jump the tracks and chase butterflies.

Apparently, Tootle also rolls down hills. 

On this beautiful, sunny day, I decided to make cookies outside while everyone else took a nap. This is what you do when you live in 30-feet of space...you extend outside. It was quite a nice spot to make cookies.

Oh, did I mention that K has not one but two playgrounds within 20 feet of our home?!? With all the play equipment, the boys find the mound of dirt/mud most entertaining.

A nice picnic lunch with friends

Another view of our 'home sweet home'

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