
Red Ants Pants

When we learned that the Red Ants Pants Music Festival, was going to be held in a town not too far from Helena at the same time we were going to be there, we put it on our itinerary. And I'm so glad we did.

This music festival is AWESOME! There were enough people there to make it interesting, but not so many as to feel stuck in a massive crowd. People were having a good time, drinking a bit, but not getting angry and intoxicated. The music was great; we were only there for one day but had the pleasure of listening to Josh Ritter and, my all-time favorite, Brandi Carlile. There were little kids in wagons and digging in the dirt and passed out in daddy's arms. They had amazingly good food, free yoga in the field, a beard and mustache competition (seriously), and interesting demos (how to make your own biodiesel!).

'Mo Bowls' had several different varieties of mac-n-cheese. Need I say more?

The view from the food vendor area; 
just to give you a feel of the landscape: open, dirt cow pasture, basically

The camping was just a designated area of the field filled with campers, RVs, tents, etc.
Scenic and peaceful, it was not, but it was
just a 2-minute walk to the stage area

Kye and momma listening to Josh Ritter

Little man did great at his first concert; 
he fell asleep (later than normal, of course) in daddy's arms, looking up at the stars

In one of those 'it's a small world' moments, we ran into a coworker of B's, there with his wife and her family. They never talked about going to this festival, but somehow both ended up there at the same time. We enjoyed talking with them and getting to know them a bit. 

We are definitely going back to Red Ants Pants Music Festival; friends, let us know if you want to join and we'll make an adventure of it!

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