
Rough Life

We used to go out of town nearly every Midwinter break. Then one year, we were driving all over on a road-trip looking for snow, meanwhile getting text messages from friends about all the powder falling back home. Since then, we've decided to stay home for midwinter break. After all, we live at a ski area, so it makes sense to stay home and ski!

This year, the conditions couldn't have been better. Honestly, the timing was fantastic. We got hammered with snow all week, feet of fresh snow every day. We both skied 6 out of 7 days, lift-serve and laps up Hyak. On the last day of break, Heather was saying that, as ridiculous as it sounded, she needed to go back to work to give her legs a break from skiing! Crazy talk.

A horrible wandering eye selfie...sorry. Just another good day out, skiing deep snow.

Kye gets ready to go down Hyak.

When we weren't skiing, we just hung out inside with Kye, playing with trucks, tractors, and reading books. Heather completed a couple craft projects for an upcoming shower. And, of course, there were also some hours spent snowblowing. What a rough life we have.

 Awesome hair, buddy!

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