

By now, we are accustomed to having walls of snow around our house and plenty of skiing days already. But our ski hill is covered in shrubs and rocks and creeks still, not enough snow for skiing.

We both had time off for the holidays and, while we would have preferred to have spent the time skiing, we got out for some hikes up the ski hill instead.

A couple days after this evening hike, we were blessed to receive a few inches of snow. We got out for a couple ski runs up Hyak that weekend. It was sunny and gorgeous on Sunday, so I loaded Kye up in the pack for a little walk. I wasn't planning on him taking a nap, but he zonked out within a few minutes.


Before Kye, I shared a million moments of outdoor adventure with Brandon. Now, I get to experience it all with this little guy. There's something pretty amazing about hiking along in the twilight, with Kye pointing to the moon and trying his new word (which sounds a bit more like 'mom'). And on the day pictured above, he woke up for the ski down and made the sound effect for skiing (swish-swish-swish). It was horrible skiing but he didn't care. It was fun and exciting to him. 

Brandon and I get to enjoy all the same activities we did before, but with a renewed sense of adventure, watching this little guy discover the world around him. Thanks God.

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