

We have always struggled to enjoy 'stay-cations' because we want to be doing something new and exciting. Wouldn't you know that having a kid changes your perspective, in so many ways, and I was thrilled to be spending my mid-winter break at home and not traveling.

On my list: hanging with Kye, skiing, going on a date with my hubby, a small amount of household chores, quilting (yep, I'm a dork), skiing some more, and watching TV. I know, I'm embarrassed by that last one, but it sounded soooooo nice to sit down in front of the TV and watch stupid programs about gold mining, or cops in LA fighting gang crimes, or ridiculous office scenes. With a baby and a full-time job and a commitment to make time for exercise and outdoor fun, watching TV just doesn't happen anymore. 

We did enjoy a bit of good, stupid TV, and it turns out that not much has changed in our absence. I worked on a baby quilt and made some progress. Grandma Ellie watched Kye while we went out to eat and watched a movie. We even managed to talk about topics other than baby, just like the old days. We also got out for some skiing, although the weather didn't cooperate that much. We got rain, concrete, ice, sleet, sun, and snow followed instantly by rain. Still, we enjoyed some laps on Hyak and some lift-skiing as well. [Post-script: as I type this, my week off nearly over, we are getting slammed with snow. :(]  

We'll have to do a better job of taking pics while we are out solo. We didn't do anything picture-worthy anyway. You'll have to be satisfied with some pics of Kye. :)

Kye grows and changes so fast these days. He'll be crawling in no time, as he's beginning to 'scooch' and pull his knees up under him. We better get some safety things done around home...man, how did he get to this stage so quickly?!?

Sitting in the sunshine

Our little bird likes to eat.

What, is there something on my face?

Life with both of us home is so much more manageable, but, I fear, not realistic. We must go to work, I suppose. Oh well, I'll just keep my head down and wait for spring break.

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