
Heading Home

We broke the trip home from Zion into several days, so that bambino wouldn't spend too much time in his car seat. The first leg of the journey went from Zion to the City of Rocks, near Boise, Idaho. We camped and climbed here several years ago in the summertime. Since it is such a cool place, we thought there would be some people there camping, but it was absolutely deserted. So we camped all by ourselves in this land of large granite boulders. Although we enjoyed ourselves in the desert and red rocks of the Grand Canyon and Zion, this landscape -with snow on nearby hills, dark clouds, and brisk air- felt way more appropriate and comfortable for the holiday season.

 Kye's traditional morning pic; B took one in each camping location.

B is looking a little scary with his unshaven face. :)

 The cave at one of our favorite campsite

 Ninja Kye

After a walk through the city and breakfast/dessert at the Almo Outpost (known for their excellent pies!), we hit the road and drove to McCall, Idaho. There, we pulled off and parked in a ski area/snow-park lot to camp for the night. Not exactly the most 'off-road' accommodations but not bad either, as we had the lot to ourselves and a forest service bathroom.

Thanksgiving day- we better clean up (after 2+ weeks on the road) 
before we go to the fancy turkey dinner!

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