
Hubba Hubba Herd

The skiing has been a huge disappointment this year, with the lack of fresh snow. However, the good news in Washington state this year is the thick waterfall ice, which, in most years is thin and/or covered in copious amounts of snow.

So to celebrate our 9th anniversary, we decided to climb Hubba Hubba in Leavenworth. Unfortunately, so did everyone else. Thankfully, we were able to get right on the climb, while the separate groups of climbers -totaling 10- chatted and laughed on a little slab route to the left.

Happy 9th Anniversary!


Joanne said...

Happy Anniversary! L'worth in the winter looks beautiful.

Shawn Kern said...

Happy Anniversary from Shawn and Lori. Love your BLOG..... the pictures are all awesome! and make me homesick. Thanks and hope to see you two soon.