
Snow Day!

Well okay, many of you are probably thinking, "Those guys have 'Snow Days' all winter long." And you would be right...but it's not every day that I get the call at 5:30am saying that school is cancelled due to weather, my husband is at home with me as well, the ski areas are all closed still, and it is absolutely dumping buckets of snow! Now THAT is a 'Snow Day'!

I have many fond childhood memories of Snow Days. I can remember going to bed the night before a big storm was supposed to arrive, just dreaming of the white powder flakes falling from the sky. Then, there were those days when you had no idea that it was going to snow and only discovered the pleasant surprise after having accepted the fact that you had to go to school yet another day. But wait, what's that white stuff falling from the sky and blanketing the cul-de-sac pavement?!

Since we lived near Seattle, there were few Snow Days. However, if it even so much as threatened to snow, the entire city shut down. On those rare Snow Days, we would sled, slide, throw snowballs, and build snowmen & ice sculptures. One year, not having a sled, my brother and I wore plastic garbage sacks to slide down our extremely steep driveway, with a sharp right turn just as you were about to hit the house. Another year, we spent hours pouring water on our snow mound and chiseling out a sculpture.

But I digress...this post is not about Snow Days of the long-ago past, although not much has changed since my childhood days. I still look out in hopeful anticipation to watch the snow fall under the streetlights. I still love snow, fresh and deep. And I particularly love skiing/floating in snow, fresh and deep. Check out these pics from our fun powder skiing day on none other than the Triple 60 & Parachute faces at Summit Central. The ski area is still closed and there were only a few other snow-junkies out there, all of us getting mouthfuls of snow as we skiied.

Where did Ed's legs go?
Heather in a cloud.

Ed barreling through the snow.

Here its only knee-deep...

...but here, it's a bit deeper...someone's head and a pole.

Straight-lining just to keep going...

Who can keep from grinning in snow like this?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You neglected to mention the snow day we spent sliding down the neighbors driveway on that black ABS plastic dock log. THAT was a kick ass (yet completely uncontrolled) ride.