August 2007: Brandon & I roadtripped to Wild Iris climbing area in central Wyoming. Along the way, we stopped to do some fishing in Montana (the Big Hole River) and also spent some time in the Tetons, which were way too busy for us. This goes down as one of our favorite adventures yet.
Heather trying to learn a thing or two...
Our campsite along the Big Hole river in MT.
The white limestone cliffs in the distance...
Brandon pulling a move on the sharp Wild Iris rock.
It looks slabby, doesn't it?! :)
A cool shelter of sticks and stones...
A few nice shots caught by local climber, Alf.
I could live here...a simple, small house in a ghost town in Wyoming.
One of the many cool, crooked Aspen trees.
A cool silhouette pic of Brandon...thanks to Alf.
I can't remember the name of this lake that we hiked to...