
Finally Doing It!!!- CD'A

The school-year came to a close, the Airstream had some minor repairs done, and we were ready to hit the road...finally!!!

Just prior to the school-year's end, K and I enjoyed some trips to Rattlesnake Lake.

A dear friend let us play around on her paddleboard in the shallows. We were hooked and decided we needed our own, so B ordered one to be delivered to Stop 1 on our trip, my dad's place in CD'A.

K and I headed there a few days before B, as he had to work. We enjoyed running around the land, helping grandma with her watering, driving tractors, and some trips to the lake.

Grandpa and K

The guy that hosts this beach/campground purchased a bunch of dump trucks, and labeled them 'Mica Bay Construction Co'. Pretty cute. And also very difficult to lure my little guy away from. 

After some cajoling, I was able to get him to the lake where we both cooled off.

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