Ayla Mae ('Ayla' means the halo of light around the moon) was born on 8/16/2015, healthy and cute. Due to her position, she had to be delivered via c-section but momma and baby are recovering just fine.
As far as babies go, she seems pretty easy going...so far. She eats, poops (a lot), pees on daddy when he changes her diaper (every time), and cries occasionally. She makes a lot of noises and we are trying to decide if she sounds more like a chipmunk, mouse, dinosaur, or pig. Big brother votes 'pig' and he might be right.
Big brother is making the adjustment, slowly but surely. He is going to be the best big brother ever! Speaking of big brothers, my brother and I are three years and four days apart (July) and so are Kye and Ayla. Weird coincidence!
A bunch of pics won't upload to blogger so you get only a few here. Technical difficulties!