[K helps daddy with the skid steer tractor.]
The ski area has also been making good use of the extra long fall, installing a brand new chairlift at Hyak, completely last-minute. We have all enjoyed watching the helicopter operations. I can't remember the type of helicopter shown here, but it is similar to a Chinook, just about half the size.
[Dumping trees and debris at the top of the hill]
[K and B get to tour the inside; it's big enough to fit a small car.]
On one of the last 'fall' days (i.e. not requiring two coats, hat, gloves), K got out on his bicycle. I know, no helmet...I just wanted a pic of him looking cool and 1970s shaggy.
Although we don't have snow yet, winter has arrived. It has been in the teens and 20s with major wind biting to the bone. We got out running yesterday with friends Seth and Holly, but much of the route (from Summit West to Hyak on the ski hill) was covered in ice.
Wherever you are, start doing your snow dance. We are ready.