
So Proud

Our little boy is teething and refusing to eat. Most of the food we put in front of him gets immediately thrown to the ground.

However, I was pleased tonight when he ate one whole piece of bacon. Yep, that's my son.


Summer on it's way out

We recently went to the Ellensburg Rodeo for the first time.  We met Aunts and Uncles Rita & Dennis, and Veronica & Bill.  Was a quick visit, but we had a great time, Kye really enjoyed the rodeo!

 Kye & B's Aunt & Godmother Rita

 Heather took Kye climbing with her lady friends one day...looks like they had fun

 Recently Kye has learned how to walk on his own, although he still loves to push his walker.  He really likes to go around picking up things, putting them on his walker and walking them around (like a shopping cart we figure).

 Going for it with a pear

The huckleberry crop is good this year, we've only managed a couple outings though.  Today was really nice, we really appreciate where we live, sometimes we forget how how good we have it.
 Ready to pick
"Look Kye, a grasshopper"
 Kye chasing the grasshopper
Handsome little dude
 Mom picks, and Kye eats, here you can see him reaching in for some
 Pretty good plan