Just a quick update, haven't been up to much, the nice spring we were enjoying has now shifted into typical PNW dreary rain, oh well. Heather is counting down the days for school to be out (only 9 days!) I have decided to torture myself with a 50 mile trail ultra run this summer, so running has become a part of my life in a big way! The little munchkin is growing bigger everyday, amazing how quickly he learns. He can crawl, climb our stairs, stand up on his own, and generally get into a lot of trouble.
Kye frequently tries to stand without an assist from stationary objects (usually ends in a crash)
Too many toys!
Can't see them in this pic, but he has his two bottom teeth now
We took a quick overnight trip to Vantage to climb, forgot to take the camera out except for me tossing Kye in the air.
He really likes this
Kye really likes to "chug" his little sippy cup
Kye gets pretty excited over house cleaning, specifically sweeping and mopping