
An Evening Stroll

The other night, we took a quick skin up the back slopes of Hyak to the Grand Junction hut. Under the moonlight, the track was well lit and the snow sparkled like a million little gems. At the hut, we enjoyed treats and tea by the warm fire. Not so bad for right out our door!


Christmas at the Kern's

We had a house-full on Christmas eve and Christmas day...but apparently, we only took pictures of Pekay! She's pretty cute and fun.
"I didn't know they still made wooden trees..."
(Charlie Brown Christmas)

Pekay and her new monster, Leonardo

Santa Claus delivers small gifts to Pekay in her boots.

Pekay made up a game of 'clean the snow off the trees'.

Heading up to go sledding.

Brandon and his sack of potatoes.




We spent the Thanksgiving weekend at my dad & step-mom's beautiful place in Coeur d'Alene. As always, it was a very relaxing stay. It was nice to spend time with family, eat pumpkin pie (Brandon had it for breakfast!), and enjoy the fresh air & amazing natural scenery above Mica Bay.

Jane and the happy dogs

Brandon & Dad

The weekend's project (other than eating)...

making gun parts.

Once home, we went behind our property

for our Christmas tree.

Don & Brandon heading back with our trees.


Feels Like Home...

The summer bonfires under the stars were beautiful. The hikes in the crisp, colorful fall weather were exhilirating. But today, the snow is falling blizzard-style...and it feels like home again.

Winter has arrived.


If I were a better photographer, you'd see the brilliance
of these golden leaves against the backdrop of snow and evergreens.


On 9/11...

Excerpts adapted from "The Holocaust Speech" by Pope John Paul II
March 23rd 2000 - At Israel's Holocaust Memorial

The words of the ancient Psalm rise from our hearts: "I have become like a broken vessel. I hear the whispering of many - terror on every side - as they scheme together against me, as they plot to take my life. But I trust in you, O Lord: I say, 'you are my God."'

In this place of memories, the mind and heart and soul feel an extreme need for silence. Silence in which to remember. Silence in which to try to make some sense of the memories which come flooding back. Silence because there are no words strong enough to deplore this terrible tragedy.

Men, women and children, cry out to us from the depths of the horror that they knew. How can we fail to heed their cry? No one can forget or ignore what happened. No one can diminish its scale. We wish to remember. But we wish to remember for a purpose, namely to ensure that never again will evil prevail.

How could man have such utter contempt for man? Because he had reached the point of contempt for God.

Again, we cry out: "I hear the whispering of many - terror on every side - but I trust in you, O Lord: I say, 'You are my God."



We took a hike to Lake Lillian, just across from our house.

The fireweed is everywhere this year.

Mt. Rainier in the distance.

Local Bounty

One rainy, cold day in early August, I suggested we drive up to check-out the progress of the huckleberry growth.

It took some convincing Brandon, who was sure they would be nowhere near ready.

Typically, we pick from late August through September,

so it was surprising to find bushes loaded with huge huckleberries.

At least it was surprising to Brandon...

but not to Huckleberry Heather! :)


Climbing in Paradise

Finally, we get to posting the pics of the climbing in Kalymnos, one of the main reasons for the trip!

The climbing style and rock are very different from what we are used to, so it took some time to learn the rock and get comfortable. We were feeling super confident right when it was time to return home...I guess this means we'll just have to return!"

As per normal, we got lots of butt-shots. One of these days, we'll do some photo shooting from an angle other than the belay.

A scenic lower at the Palace

Another pretty lower-off view...

A bit difficult to see but B is in the upper left,
under the cave feature (orange helmet)

Heading to a nice layback tufa.

Holds, holds everywhere!

the view from a climbing sector:
Massouri, the main tourist town is below left
& Telendos is the nearest island (on the right)
Bouldering a cave in sandals
Tufa heaven

B is really flexible when he's freaked out on lead!

Doing the tufa splits...

Some more splits.

Slabs in Kalymnos are no fun...slimy, run-out, and terrifying.
After this supposed 3-star route, we decided to stick to the steeps.

My shirt matches the rope...
maybe I can finally get in Rock & Ice! ;)

Climbing at Kastelli at sunset.

A nice silhouette pic

The same Kastelli climb but your typical belay shot
(B is at the top, near the 'mouth' feature)

We finished the climb just in time to watch the sunset,
but a bit too late for a good pic.

Finally, a non-butt shot of Brandon...
a nice guy from Austria took this for us.

Kalymnos has become a climbing mecca...
many elite climbers travel here to work super hard routes.

Also, it is a short flight for most Europeans, so there are climbers
from many different countries there to try out the uniquely featured rock.


Kalymnos- Around the Island

We took a 13-hour night ferry from Athens to Kalymnos. This was a difficult ride, the boat rocking through the waves, the wind blowing hard, and our own little cloud of smoke hovering over us (everyone smokes) the whole way as we attempted to sleep on the deck. Oh well...it was an adventure!

A similar ferry heading out from Pireaus

Our camping area on the deck of the ferry

...can you tell that I can't wait to get off the rocking boat?!

Harry's Paradise, our home away from home, was truly a paradise

I'm zonked on the bed, recovering from the boat-ride!

The view from our deck
A view within the garden

Harry's Paradise Restaurant

A nice relaxing spot at Harry's to drink iced Nescafe (the local afternoon drink of choice)

Alexandria, owner of Harry's Paradise,
a sweet & kind woman with a beautiful smile!
The highlight of our trip was Harry's Paradise...
a comfortable stay, amazing food, and people who welcomed us in like family.
Here with our Kalymnian family, including:
Emmanuela, Evokia (fabulous chef, daughter of Alexandria) & hubby Dimitri.
Everywhere a view to the ocean...

Wow, how fast does your scooter go?!
B on our island transportation
Sadly, I don't think my dream of a scooter future is going to work out...
it turns out I'm a terrible scooter driver,
mainly b/c my feet don't reach the ground!
Mmmm...tasty Gyro!
The view from our favorite beach, at Emporios

Even our toes were getting tan!
An old stone chapel in the ruins of Chora

The beautiful fjord of Vathi
Vathi's swim area

A beautiful boat harbored at Vathi

Showering the saltwater off...
The oceanside pathway to the chapel at Kastelli

Chapel at Kastelli

A chapel carved out of stone & painted white, in typical style

A hidden gem of a beach...near Nikolai's Paradise

Nikolai was a local who wanted us to take a ride in his boat (shown here)
but we never could figure out to where or for what purpose...we declined his offer.
A nice spot for lunch
Many of the frescoes have been painted over...this one is halfway revealed
Goats & sheep wander everywhere on the island.

A typical white & blue building
We clean up good, eh?!

Night-time ambiance at Harry's Paradise